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Degenerative Disk Dysplasia


Degenerative disk dysplasia is also known as intervertebral disk disease, degenerative disk disease or slipped disk. The condition affects the spinal cord in certain breeds of dogs. Dachshunds, cocker spaniels and poodles are at high risk for developing the condition. According to the website Pawprints & Purrs, this disease is a progressive deterioration of the outer shell of the spinal disk. A ruptured disk can lead to pain and paralysis.
\tCanine Degenerative Disk Disease

Between each vertebrae in a dog's spine is a cushion, which is called a disk. Each disk is made up of a thick shell on the outside and a softer part inside. In degenerative disk disease, the outside part of the disk deteriorates and the inside part leaks out. This is called a rupture. Inside the spinal column, the spinal cord becomes pinched. The result is severe back pain and paralysis.


A dog's symptoms will vary depending on whether the rupture has occurred in the neck or back. If the rupture is in the neck, the dog might be sensitive when his neck is touched. He might act as if he doesn't have any energy, and he won't want to move around or play. If the condition is advanced, he might also drag his back legs. If the rupture is in his back, he might have a hunched back or act as if he doesn't want his back touched. In advanced stages of the disease, the dog could lose control of his bladder or bowels or act as if he has no feeling in his hindquarters, according to the Dachshund Network.


A veterinarian will ask you questions about the dog's history of back pain or ask about any injuries. She will examine the dog and might perform a myelogram. According to Pawprints & Purrs, in a myelogram procedure the veterinarian injects a small amount of radioactive dye into the dog's spinal column. When she performs X-rays, she will be able to see the dye as a line around the spinal cord. If a the line shows a break, the dog is experiencing problems in that area of the back.


If only mild symptoms are present, the veterinarian will prescribe an anti-inflammatory medication such as prednisone, according to the website Pet Education. This medication will help to reduce the swelling and inflammation. The doctor can also prescribe pain medication. Surgery might be necessary if the condition is advanced or if the dog has experienced multiple disk ruptures.

Prognosis after Surgery

If the dog's surgery is performed within 12 hours after he becomes paralyzed, he has a 50 percent to 75 percent chance of walking again, according to the website Vet Surgery Central. If he still had sensation when the surgery was performed, he has a 90 percent chance of walking again. Some dogs never regain the use of their back limbs. For these dogs, a K-9 cart (a special cart that can be fitted to a partially paralyzed dog) can help them enjoy more mobility.

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